Slideshow: Parish table quiz

Sylvia Talbot, Audrey Rainey, Ronnie Talbot, Florence Talbot and Tommy Talbot, one of the team at the recent Church of Ireland parishes Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion table quiz. INAT40-405ACSylvia Talbot, Audrey Rainey, Ronnie Talbot, Florence Talbot and Tommy Talbot, one of the team at the recent Church of Ireland parishes Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion table quiz. INAT40-405AC
Sylvia Talbot, Audrey Rainey, Ronnie Talbot, Florence Talbot and Tommy Talbot, one of the team at the recent Church of Ireland parishes Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion table quiz. INAT40-405AC
Parishioners from Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion came together for a fund-raising table quiz at Old Bleach Bowlng Club recently.

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