Plunge veterans ready for another dip into freezing waters

The "dry before the wet" for Geoff Bell and John McCarley the last ones to take the plunge at Carnlough. INBT 01-817HThe "dry before the wet" for Geoff Bell and John McCarley the last ones to take the plunge at Carnlough. INBT 01-817H
The "dry before the wet" for Geoff Bell and John McCarley the last ones to take the plunge at Carnlough. INBT 01-817H
You’d think they would have learned their lesson by now!

Long term veterans of the freezing cold plunge into Carnlough Harbour, Geoff Bell and John McCarley show no signs of taking a back seat in the annual fund-raiser.

Full story and pictures in your Ballymena Times. Now on sale