The Shoebox Appeal

Rev Dr Stewart Jones and Sally Robinson with Sharon Jack from Operation Christmas ChildRev Dr Stewart Jones and Sally Robinson with Sharon Jack from Operation Christmas Child
Rev Dr Stewart Jones and Sally Robinson with Sharon Jack from Operation Christmas Child
Operation Shoebox Appeal got underway recently at Donemana Presbyterian Church.

Mrs Sally Robinson brought visiting speaker, Sharon Jack who has been involved with Operation Christmas Child by Samaritan’s Purse, otherwise known as ‘The Shoebox Appeal’ to gave members of the church a direct update about the work of the organisation.

Many people, through the church, the Girls’ Brigade or Donemana Primary School, have contributed each year to the appeal.

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Ms Jack explained about the various items that could be put into the shoeboxes for less privileged children. During her address Sharon used Powerpoint to bring alive her experiences of delivering the shoeboxes to children in Belarus. We learned that there are children who live in sewers.

We learned of how the children on receipt of these items, were so grateful. We even learned how the shoeboxes were kept by parents to store various bits and pieces at home. Sharon’s address was extremely humbling.

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