Your kids can still do PE lessons at home thanks to Joe Wicks the Body Coach - here's how to watch

Joe Wicks is keeping kids fit with his at home PE classes (Youtube)Joe Wicks is keeping kids fit with his at home PE classes (Youtube)
Joe Wicks is keeping kids fit with his at home PE classes (Youtube)

The live workout was streamed by hundreds of thousands at its peak as schoolkids across the country experienced their first school day from home due to social distancing measures introduced by the government to stem the spread of the coronavirus.

Feedback to the streamed classes have been hugely positive with parents who welcomed the distraction for their housebound kids.

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Wicks announced last week that he would be running the sessions five days a week, Monday to Friday, pledging to "get your kids moving, feeling energised, positive, optimistic".

Here’s how to get your kids involved with fun and interactive at home PE classes.

Where can I stream the classes from?

Joe Wicks will be streaming his live classes from his Youtube channel The Body Coach.

Can I catch up with lessons that I miss?

Of course.

The first live lesson has been uploaded by Wicks to his channel and can be viewed here. The fitness coach will upload each live stream to his youtube channel under the header P.E. With Joe.

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When do the live lessons take place?

P.E. with Joe will be aired live from Monday to Friday at 9am

Lessons will last approximately half-an-hour with Wicks saying “I will do this as long as the schools are closed.”

What do the classes consist of?

The 30 minute lessons are streamed live from Joe Wicks’ home.

They consist of “very basic exercises” that are “suitable for beginners. He assures that “if you’re unfit you’re still going to manage to do it”.

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Exercises featured in lesson one included jogging on the spot, dynamic stretches and shadow boxing.

How can I keep my children fit at home?

Beyond adopting Joe Wicks as a PE teacher you and your children can keep fit by following NHS’ home workout.

The health service offer a series of entry level ten-minute workouts for those wanting to remain fit at home.

More advanced fitness fantatics can try their hand at the NHS’ gym-free workouts, which include a chair workout, a seated yoga workout and a standing abs workout.

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